Glam Posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Winter Skin Blues

Winter is just about here, and with the freezing cold air settling in..your skin is really going to be feelin' it. Dry, chapped, flaky skin is extremely common come winter time. I'm going to be giving you a few tips, and directions for the perfect DIY facial masks to suit your skin problems.

Dry, Tight Skin 
1/2 cup chopped cucumber
1/2 cup chopped avocado
1 egg white
2 teaspoons powdered milk

Put all these in a blender, apply in small circular motions, and leave on for 30 minutes. Cucumber and avocado are very soothing to sensitive, dry skin. Avocado is filled with omega 3 fatty acids and will keep moisture in, while the cucumber calms, and cools the skin.

Brighten Up Your Skin
1/2 cup unripe papaya, diced
1 teaspoon plain yogurt
1 teaspoon honey

Put it in a blender, slather it on. Leave it on for about 20 minutes. AHA's (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) is present in the unripe papaya. You will feel sort of a tingling sensation when putting this mask on. The AHA's are getting rid of all the dead skin, thus will cause a bright, healthy glow.

Acne Prevention
2 egg whites
1 teaspoon lemon juice

If oily, acne-prone skin is your dilemma, try this mask. Beat the whites into the lemon juice, apply it like a lotion. Leave this mask on for 20 minutes. The egg whites and lemon work together to prevent acne, and give you a youthful glow.

  • Make sure you're drinking the daily amount of water that you should be having.
  • Moisturize! Especially when coming out of the shower. I use Vaseline. It locks all the moisture in and you wipe it off your face after 5 minutes. It sounds gross, but hey! It's what Marilyn used!
  •  Start a vitamin regimen. Vitamin E, or even Biotin would definitely keep your skin looking healthy. Obviously, consult your doctor before starting any type of pill or vitamin!
  • Try not to exfoliate everyday. Maybe twice or three times a week

I'm sure all of you have atleast 1 ingredient in the house already, if not all of them. These are super simple to make, and keep your skin looking healthy, radiant and fresh. The holidays are stressful enough, why worry about your skin?

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